
🏹 The Nightsong Sentinels 🌙

The Nightsong Sentinels is a Kaldorei Roleplaying Guild located on the English speaking Nordanaar realm of Turtle Wow. We accept Kaldorei to our ranks, and other races with sufficient backing as Foreign Diplomats.


For the Good of the Realm!

The Nightsong Sentinels patrol the lands of Kalimdor, responding to Call to Arms in defense of those who live within Alliance the territories.Not only doing battle and brokering treaties with the Horde, the sentinels of Nightsong engage in inter-guild events for the prosperity of the Kaldorei people, and host “Donation Days” where they offer goods to the displaced people of Teldressil (new players) who could use a little extra help in this rapidly changing world. This most often comes in the form of armor, rations, shelter, and bags!If you would like to donate to these days, send mail to Astaa or Miriala in game!

Shaha lor'ma, thank you for reading!

Our Discord

Stay connected in game and offline through our discord! Join below by clicking the discord button!